
The fine cast and crew of A Wheel & The Moon has completed principal photography as of  Oct. 14th, 2012!  Our final cut of the film is set for May 25th, 2013. Thank you for visiting the site and supporting our efforts to tell this story!

I adapted the screenplay from a Jonathan Carroll short story titled
“A Wheel in the Desert, the Moon on some Swings”.
Carroll deals with themes of the unexpected in life putting readers
in touch with the beauty and absurdity of existence.
A Wheel & The Moon begins with Norman, a young gay man
who is going blind. The people Norman meets,
while he avoids dealing with his circumstances,
lead him to an unlikely miracle.
It is a story of one man navigating
his way through a difficult journey
of loss … To find his vision, he must lose it.

Why the tarot cards? After sharing the Rock & Roll tarot
with many friends worldwide, I felt that my personal Interest
in the symbolism of the cards should have a place in my film.
Preeminent tarot artist and historian Robert M. Place
(the Alchemical Tarot) is allowing me to use his tarot art
in my film – as well as the perks. The heart of the
narrative asks the questions – What can I hold
onto when I go blind? What will I remember?
I chose to adapt this story as it holds many
reflexive elements for the medium,
as well as concepts and characters
close to my heart.

Chris Paradis – June 7th, 2012

Updated – October 14th, 2012